Thursday, May 29

One of the Challenges of doing a Deal-of-Day thread

One of the challenges of doing a DOD thread is making sure that the store has changed the deal. This sounds like something that should just be a given, but there are varying degrees to which this happens.

Some of the sites are great and when I login around 7am the new item is there just waiting for me (ok this is my world we're talking about)...... I title this bookmark group as 'DOD'.

Some other sites are a bit later but it is a 'scheduled later' so they are part of my "plan" and I check on them last. They are called 'DOD - Later in Day'

Other sites are more of a Deal-of-Week (DOW). I can hang with this too - Check on them all every couple days (OK I am anal and if you have to know the truth I check every ding dong day) anyway...... I only post the deal the first time it is shown or the first time I see it. But, once again, I am expecting that the item wont change daily so it's OK. I call these my 'DOW ' group (down right original eh?)

I have a 'DOD New' that I put all of the new stores in until I can decide what group they fit in.

Which brings me to the final group (for the moment) - the 'DOD infrequent changes' group. (Gives me chills just thinking about it). See, I want to have all of the Deals posted as early as possible so that the folks who shop from the DOD thread can get the items before the store runs out of stock. If the deal hasn't changed I check back "often" (I already said I was anal, so dont ask how often). I DO eventually give up (no honestly I do), but before I log off for the day I have to look again and doggone it if the deal hasn't been updated! Who knows when....sitting there waiting for me.... "Where have you been Siddeley? I have been waiting here for hours"

If we were to change to an automatic DOD feed this would all be taken care of, of course. But, in the meantime you can know that there is some good old fashion Heart going into these Deals :-)

and some obsessiveness, but do we have to bring that up again?

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